Lillian BlockAge: 15 years1923–1938
- Name
- Lillian Block
- Given names
- Lillian
- Surname
- Block
Family with parents |
father |
Frank Block Birth: October 9, 1881 38 34 — Chicago, Cook, USA Death: January 28, 1965 — Grenville, Day, South Dakota, USA |
mother |
Zofia Głombiowska (Golombiewski) Birth: May 11, 1888 31 43 — Otalzyno, Szemud Death: October 27, 1972 — Grenville, Day, South Dakota, USA |
Marriage: January 30, 1912 — Grenville, Day, South Dakota, USA |
3 years elder brother |
Zofia Block Birth: 1914 32 25 — Grenville, Day, South Dakota, USA Death: 1915 |
23 months elder sister |
Agnes Block Birth: December 17, 1915 34 27 Death: November 6, 2011 |
2 years elder brother |
Ambrose Block Birth: December 4, 1917 36 29 — Grenville, Day, South Dakota, USA Death: January 27, 1987 — Grenville, Day, South Dakota, USA |
brother |
Bernard Block Birth: Grenville, Day, South Dakota, USA Death: |
elder brother |
Walter Block Birth: March 29, 1919 37 30 Death: June 9, 2014 |
17 months elder sister |
Clara Block Birth: August 18, 1920 38 32 — Grenville, Day, South Dakota, USA Death: December 6, 2007 — Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA |
16 months elder brother |
Victor Block Birth: December 17, 1921 40 33 Death: December 5, 1997 |
2 years herself |
Lillian Block Birth: 1923 41 34 Death: 1938 |
2 years younger brother |
Melvin Block Birth: January 12, 1925 43 36 Death: November 22, 2011 |
4 years younger brother |
Edward Block Birth: 1928 46 39 Death: 1955 |
sister |
Marie Block Birth: Death: September 1983 |
Father’s family with Rose Boik |
father |
Frank Block Birth: October 9, 1881 38 34 — Chicago, Cook, USA Death: January 28, 1965 — Grenville, Day, South Dakota, USA |
step-mother |
Rose Boik Death: Grenville, Day, South Dakota, USA |
half-sister |
Helen Block Death: |
half-sister |
Private |
Father’s family with Eleanor Mondsy |
father |
Frank Block Birth: October 9, 1881 38 34 — Chicago, Cook, USA Death: January 28, 1965 — Grenville, Day, South Dakota, USA |
step-mother |
Eleanor Mondsy Death: Grenville, Day, South Dakota, USA |
half-brother |
Private |
half-brother |
Eleanor Block Birth: Death: Grenville |