Józef StybaAge: 60 years1909–1969
- Name
- Józef Styba
- Surname
- Styba
- Given names
- Józef
Birth | 1909 38 28 |
Religious marriage | October 23, 1948 (Age 39 years) |
Death of a mother | Cecylia Drążkowska October 31, 1960 (Age 51 years) |
Death | September 10, 1969 (Age 60 years) Cause of death: Wypadek |
Family with parents |
father |
Józef Styba Birth: 1871 37 — Przodkowo |
mother |
Marriage: April 28, 1903 — Kosowo Przodkowo |
1 year elder sister |
Aniela Styba Birth: April 20, 1904 33 23 — Krzywda Przodkowo Death: 1904 — Kosowo Przodkowo |
20 months elder brother |
Benon Styba Birth: 1905 34 24 — Kosowo Przodkowo |
18 months elder brother |
Leon Styba Birth: June 26, 1906 35 25 — Kosowo Przodkowo |
18 months elder brother |
Jan Styba Birth: 1907 36 26 |
2 years elder brother |
Augustyn Styba Birth: 1908 37 27 |
2 years himself |
Józef Styba Birth: 1909 38 28 Death: September 10, 1969 |
3 years younger brother |
Klemens Styba Birth: June 15, 1912 41 31 Death: December 12, 1990 — Chylonia Gdynia |
sister |
Family with Anna Kunikowska |
himself |
Józef Styba Birth: 1909 38 28 Death: September 10, 1969 |
wife |
Anna Kunikowska Birth: May 26, 1916 Death: September 20, 1991 — Rumia |
daughter |
Private |
son |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
son |
Private |
son |
Private |
son |
Private |